Tuesday, February 27, 2007

the end is here

february is ending. as well as other things, but some things have already ended... and despite everything, its only february that's ending, and what is never is only life.

things that stopped/ended before february's month end:
1) the marker...stopped at 15th, marking my 4th year of involvement
2) my anticipation to watch muse
3) muse concert (which was totally jolly awesome)
4) the movie 'the holiday' which i wanted to watch at the cinema but didnt get to
5) the oc : which ended unexpectedly dissapointing
6) kimi wa petto : the j-drama that got me addicted, and i was excited imagining having a human pet. jgn pikir lain pulak kau. thanks to ayin!
7) my excitement to go to work.
8) ouh iya... i have stopped visiting the gym! pphhbt. not stop la.. delay.
9) my monthly need to go shopping. it is forced to stop as money isnt really like air di pili.
10)the pink hippo thingy that sucked in humidity
11)festive season (which means stucked in jam on tolld highways... are back)

i cannot think of other things anymore. im sleepy.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

shoot it out with a squish of a corn


lets move out to somewhere, only you and me... grow corns and tulips, and when its ripe and pretty, we pluck it out and sell em. if none were sold, we could just inhale the fresh scent of flowers and squish the water out from the corn while enjoying.

certainly living in the city has made us all much less decent. suppose to be civilized country to have much more civilized citizen, however due to civilization, especially when we're in a very rapid development of wealth... the quality of being polite and respectable seems dimming. not that i dont understand... its just that life is getting heavier with age, coupled with lesser you care about the ppl around you. and when i am in this circle, cant help but thinking how much i wanted to live life as simply as could. why? because city people are busy and careless, and u're being pulled in just to do the same, that or you will just finish last. racing to be above others is hardwork, but all the kiasu and ego to win... is heart attack.

anyhow, we attempted to go to the eye on malaysia but we were kinda lost and went a merry-go-round trip around kl, after almost an hour finding the place and got stucked in few jams, we werent the only ones who were eager to have our eyes on those ferris wheels. there were so many cars queuing so we gave up. hihi, and i and mr.d ended up enjoying our big dinner at the mcdonalds. you're one funny guy so i said ferris wheels can wait.

lastly and whatever, let yourself let go. and im falling deeper but not apart.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

mika - happy ending

one cheesy song but kinda nice.

biarkan diri biar pergi

bila masuk malam je, beginilah sunyinya. kadang-kadang boleh kedengaran bunyi kapalterbang lalu. lagilah amat kedengaran kalau kesunyian itu memang sudah menyelubung diri, bersekali pula dengan fikiran yang memang tengah fikirkan pasal 'sunyi'.takde lah terfikir sunyi bagai kosong. cuma memang fikirkan pasal sunyi je. bunyi kipas pusing. bunyi kipas komputer. detik jarum dijam. kadang-kadang bunyi televisyen di bawah. tapi sekarang memang tengah malas untuk dengar musik, alasannya mungkin sebab takde music yang dapat menyelinap masuk dengan perasaan.

baru je tadi berbual dengan rakan, ada terbuka topik di mana kadangkala kita boleh berasa perasaan yang kita anggap seseorang tu tak berterima kasih. jika nak fikirkan lebih mendalam, rasanya antara kita semua... pastinya ada berlaku satu reaksi yang tidak sengaja tapi mencetuskan anggapan sedemikian. tak dapat nak elak, tapi sekurang-kurangnya cuba untuk mempelajari. saya sendiri pon, masih terpinga, buntu dengan yang ini ' nila setitik, habes susu sebelanga '. ouh, bende ini memang rasanya paling banyaklah dalam buku rekod saya. jika saya mula nak duduk berkira dengan segala apa yang saya fitrahkan untuk orang lain... memang penutupkatanya akan mencatat ' dipergunakan ', tapi waktu-waktu indah, selalu saja mengendahkan. hmph, walaubagaimanapon, bila ada satu saje kesilapan....habes tumpahkan saja. tapi jika untuk saya duduk mengira berapa banyakkah saya buat aksi tidak berterima kasih kepada orang lain, sememangnya bukan boleh dikira dengan jari sendiri...tetapi sedaya upaya saya tak mahu membibitkan lagi perasaan ' dipergunakan ' terbibit pada perasaan orang lain. sesungguhnya, saya tidak akan memberikan diri saya untuk dipergunakan atau menggunakan. saya akan sentiasa membuat apa yg perlu untuk tidak membiarkan kerana satu, yang lain-lainnya hancur.

dan kerana itu, saya membiarkan diri untuk biarkan pergi.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

supreme state of mind


time really really really went off swiftly. the feelings of knowing about it are somewhat smeary... but however, what was fixed and memorized by the mind were all nothing but agreeable and pleasant and awesome sometimes.

what inspires me today to type in something in this boring blog is because..well maybe because im being reminded by this character in 'stranger than fiction' and i realized that.. hey it has been a while since the last time i blurted out about my life and today, this moment im doing just that and then fictionalize it to be like any one of the writing or storytelling genres. not that i want to fictionalize it of course, but sometimes, from the blogs that i read and following em.. it occurs to me that, mmmmaybe some parts of the story that was typed in by them was somewhat being told in a very imaginative way.... like how every writers write. they make out from something real, but they write a fictional version of it. rightt? alright im blabbing.

how is life for me?
life has been treating me very well as long as i treat my life well. there were few changes but not major changes tho, but changes that changes, you know.. but most of the times were the opposing changes, but what changes that does not oppose your standing position.... kan? okay pening.. well whatever the changes were, i managed to went through it, play along with it was actually the most effective way to get rid of em. and i have the ones to back me up..and i tend to love that when changes happens. hihi but minor changes dont aeffect much.

other things in a very briefly way of telling:

1) my house is okay, despite the banjir and everything going around... thank you Almighty
2) im dating again.. on a regular basissssssssss.
3) i have a stalker. a woman stalker!
4) i cannot wait to slip into 4 new tops from vs and show it off to _ _ _ _ _ :D
5) i taught suffian how to shake hands and give out a high five! and pronouncing ' carrrr ' and understanding what that was
6) bonda wants me to get married early.. uuuu
7) ouh! we purchased muse concert ticket!!!!
8 ) i am now going live!!

that'd be all for today and god knows when will be the next.
have a good day.