Monday, October 29, 2007

how often do you find the right person?


no matter how many you have in mind. only one topping others. ke ? ?? kan kan?
really. i mean, if you're thinking about ex bfs, and the current one.. of course u'd think the right person is the current one. and chances that u think how often.. it would be once. unless of course if you're being dumped and you wishfully still think that he's the right one for you, altho now ur with somebody else.. then its still once then...kan? im talking in circles. but yeah, right person can only be found once.

one of the songs..

so.. once. its a movie that i saw with dizzy. ive been waiting for that movie to show up on kedai ahpek, and i was obviously happy to see my anticipation was finally being rewarded by giving away rm5 and a movie in return with a good storyline. that movie, as per stated.. is a modern day musical ( way better to compare to hairspray.. ). the songs that were sang in the movie were super nice (im now looking to buy for the original ost.. ala ala devics, damien rice), and of course about that right person. it was nice. really nice. kinda make me inspired to make music. to make songs. about people who have given me so much experiences. with basic chords but with melodious tones.

hihi.. talking bout this, just now we were playing with the guitar. playing with only one note as a kickstart, we have to look for as many melodies we can get. its not as easy, but at least we got to know that its not about the technicals that matters.. its how creative you can be to play around it.

this is the ice mocha somone bungkus it for me. aww.

ive been out. and i bought things for my better being, which comes quite costly. i never took my skin seriously, but because i wanna have the perfect skin like i saw on movies...i threw myself with this pricy beauty stuffs. yeah i know its the make up, but hey.. maybe they do have perfect skin. plus.. i still bought em coz i think that with cost, i would be wasting a lot of money if i didnt use em. it seems that that theory is working..for me and its about time now to take good care of myself. and i got my hair trimmed, and also bought this thing that is suppose to make my hair perfect and not age. heh. so.... work the spell!

im clinique-d.
but i have few other things need to be doctored.
my lens is due to change. wardrobe has to be filled with new jeans. the shelf needs to put in with new pairs. and of course, my desire for everything everything that i see that i wanna buy. ngaa..

" Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice "


admin said...

hey, take care!

Gentle-Diplomat said...


i always have!
u too!

Anonymous said...

awak dah tengok this movie???
uwaaa i wanted to look for it toooo tak dapat jumpe huhu :((((

best tak best tak macam best kann??